Citation index in Korean Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Korean Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
5601 147
5602 148
5603 154
5604 155
5605 161
5606 164
5607 165
5608 166
5609 168
5610 174
5611 175
5612 182
5613 184
5614 185
5615 186
5616 188
5617 192
5618 195
5619 198
5620 212
5621 220
5622 230
5623 246
5624 270
5625 284
5626 303
5627 352
5628 355
5629 365
5630 386
5631 422
5632 432
5633 451
5634 501
5635 506
5636 510
5637 519
5638 577
5639 617
5640 641
5641 647
5642 660
5643 701
5644 702
5645 704
5646 705
5647 710
5648 711
5649 712
5650 713
5651 714
5652 715
5653 716
5654 718
5655 787
5656 798
5657 87
5658 91
5659 919
5660 94
5661 98
5662 샤이니
5663 산카샤
5664 FIFA U-20 월드컵
5665 496
5666 375
5667 392
5668 203
5669 371
5670 358
5671 393
5672 효원고등학교
5673 경북중학교
5674 일산동중학교
5675 121
5676 134
5677 138
5678 158
5679 159
5680 172
5681 177
5682 178
5683 183
5684 187
5685 194
5686 202
5687 205
5688 206
5689 207
5690 208
5691 209
5692 210
5693 219
5694 225
5695 232
5696 234
5697 260
5698 264
5699 266
5700 272