Citation index in Basque Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Basque Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
9901 Guenroc
9902 Hénanbihen
9903 Hénansal
9904 Jugon-les-Lacs
9905 La Bouillie
9906 La Chèze
9907 La Ferrière (Côtes-d'Armor)
9908 La Landec
9909 Landébia
9910 Langourla
9911 Languenan
9912 Languédias
9913 Lanrelas
9914 Laurenan
9915 Le Gouray
9916 Le Hinglé
9917 Le Leslay
9918 Le Moustoir
9919 Le Vieux-Bourg
9920 Lohuec
9921 Louannec
9922 Louargat
9923 Meslin
9924 Mégrit
9925 Mérillac
9926 Paule
9927 Penvénan
9928 Peumerit-Quintin
9929 Plaintel
9930 Plessix-Balisson
9931 Plestan
9932 Pleumeur-Bodou
9933 Plorec-sur-Arguenon
9934 Plouaret
9935 Ploufragan
9936 Plougrescant
9937 Ploumagoar
9938 Plounévez-Quintin
9939 Plourac'h
9940 Plouvara
9941 Pluduno
9942 Plumaudan
9943 Pluzunet
9944 Pléboulle
9945 Plédran
9946 Plédéliac
9947 Plélan-le-Petit
9948 Pléven
9949 Pommerit-le-Vicomte
9950 Pouldouran
9951 Quemperven
9952 Rouillac (Côtes-d'Armor)
9953 Ruca
9954 Saint-André-des-Eaux (Côtes-d'Armor)
9955 Saint-Carné
9956 Saint-Cast-le-Guildo
9957 Saint-Connec
9958 Saint-Denoual
9959 Saint-Gouéno
9960 Saint-Jacut-du-Mené
9961 Saint-Juvat
9962 Saint-Launeuc
9963 Saint-Lormel
9964 Saint-Maden
9965 Saint-Maudez
9966 Saint-Michel-de-Plélan
9967 Saint-Michel-en-Grève
9968 Saint-Méloir-des-Bois
9969 Saint-Pôtan
9970 Saint-Samson-sur-Rance
9971 Saint-Vran
9972 Sévignac
9973 Taden
9974 Tramain
9975 Trébédan
9976 Trédias
9977 Trédrez-Locquémeau
9978 Tréfumel
9979 Trégastel
9980 Trélivan
9981 Trémeur
9982 Trévron
9983 Vildé-Guingalan
9984 Yvignac-la-Tour
9985 Éréac
9986 Birus
9987 Genetika
9988 Mendebaleko euskara
9989 Atlanta
9990 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
9991 Arto
9992 Miami
9993 Uxue
9994 Rabanera del Pinar
9995 Arantza
9996 Alfoz de Santa Gadea
9997 Burgosko udalerrien zerrenda
9998 Cavia (Burgos)
9999 Merindad de Río Ubierna
10000 Neila
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