Citation index in Danish Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Danish Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
9901 Ilja M. Frank
9902 Leon Cooper
9903 Brian D. Josephson
9904 James Cronin
9905 Gerd Binnig
9906 Robert C. Richardson
9907 William D. Phillips
9908 Robert B. Laughlin
9909 FIFA's verdensrangliste (mænd)
9910 John Clauser
9911 Bilindustri
9912 Ukrainske SSR
9913 Main
9914 Krydser
9915 Treenigheden
9916 Autodidakt
9917 Akvarel
9918 Forenklet kinesisk
9919 Tand
9920 Hardeknud (Knud 1.)
9921 Nørrebro Teater
9922 Solvognen
9923 Maria Goeppert-Mayer
9924 Krim-khanatet
9925 Reggae
9926 Michel Platini
9927 VM i håndbold 2005 (kvinder)
9928 Dong (folk)
9929 Hmong
9930 Kabyle-folket
9931 Karen (folkeslag)
9932 Khitan
9933 Qiang
9934 Tomahawk
9935 Deux-Sèvres
9936 Nørup Sogn
9937 Belgiens fodboldforbund
9938 Norge ved sommer-OL 2012
9939 Kobberalder
9940 Bjarne Riis
9941 Haute-Corse
9942 Lever
9943 Den industrielle revolution
9944 Allier
9945 Yonne (departement)
9946 Rigsfællesskabet
9947 Wayne Rooney
9948 Owen Willans Richardson
9949 Kai Siegbahn
9950 UEFA Champions League 2011-12
9951 Lev Landau
9952 Oneida
9953 Hideki Yukawa
9954 Ernest Walton
9955 Robert Schrieffer
9956 James Rainwater
9957 Kenneth G. Wilson
9958 William A. Fowler
9959 Douglas D. Osheroff
9960 David J. Gross
9961 Brian Schmidt
9962 Barry Barish
9963 Alain Aspect
9964 Drôme
9965 Loire (departement)
9966 Nordsamisk
9967 Føderation
9968 Sahara
9969 Trajan
9970 Aleksandr M. Prokhorov
9971 Arthur Schawlow
9972 Bertram N. Brockhouse
9973 Carl David Anderson
9974 Charles Hard Townes
9975 Donald Arthur Glaser
9976 Frederick Reines
9977 Hannes Alfvén
9978 Henry Way Kendall
9979 J. Georg Bednorz
9980 Nicolaas Bloembergen
9981 Owen Chamberlain
9982 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
9983 Russell A. Hulse
9984 Theodor W. Hänsch
9985 Tuvinere
9986 Vallonere
9987 Brand
9988 Cape Coloureds
9989 1651
9990 Dogme
9991 Malmøhus
9992 Kasjubere
9993 Ojibwa
9994 Pennsylvania Dutch
9995 Petsamo
9996 Spydkast (atletik)
9997 Analog og digital
9998 Caen
9999 Haute-Vienne
10000 Mayenne
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