Citation index in Azerbaijani Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Azerbaijani Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
4101 Sen-Jan-le-Vyo (En)
4102 Sen-Jan-de-Tyurinyo
4103 Sen-Jan-de-Nyo
4104 Sen-Didye-d'Osya
4105 Sen-Bernar (En)
4106 Sen-Benin
4107 Sezerya
4108 Sandran
4109 Savinyo (En)
4110 Ryufyo (En)
4111 Resuz (kommuna)
4112 Reryo
4113 Relvan
4114 Ranse
4115 Ramas
4116 Puni (En)
4117 Punya (kommuna)
4118 Priye (En)
4119 Presya
4120 Pon-de-Vo
4121 Pon-de-Vel
4122 Boreqar (En)
4123 Pize
4124 Perya (Fransa)
4125 Peruj
4126 Otkur-Romaneş
4127 Otvil-Lonnes
4128 Ostya
4129 Onsyo
4130 Oyonna
4131 Ozan (kommuna)
4132 Nuryo-Volonya
4133 Nyevro
4134 Nivolle-Monqriffon
4135 Nyovil-le-Dam
4136 Myonne
4137 Monyenen
4138 Montanya (Fransa)
4139 Brena (Fransa)
4140 Brion (En)
4141 Monso (En)
4142 Monrevel-an-Bres
4143 Monreal-la-Klyuz
4144 Monrakol
4145 Monlyuel
4146 Miribel (En)
4147 Mizeryo
4148 Miju
4149 Merinya (En)
4150 Meksimyo
4151 Meyonna
4152 Mezerya
4153 Masyo (En)
4154 Martinya
4155 Marsonna
4156 Mantene-Monlen
4157 Malafreta
4158 Lyursi
4159 Loşayo
4160 Lonyo
4161 Leşru
4162 Lesar
4163 Leman (En)
4164 Le-Puaza
4165 Le-Plante
4166 Le-Nerol
4167 Le-Montelye
4168 Le (En)
4169 Lan (En)
4170 Lallerya
4171 Labalm
4172 La-Trankler
4173 La-Buas
4174 Kyurtafon
4175 Kyursya-Donqalon
4176 Kyulo
4177 Kurmanqu
4178 Kryuziy-le-Mepiyya
4179 Krote
4180 Kormo (En)
4181 Korlye
4182 Korvesya
4183 Korbono
4184 Konfranson
4185 Kondesya
4186 Jassan-Riotye
4187 Buasse (En)
4188 Bur-Sen-Kristof
4189 Valen (Fransa)
4190 Varambon
4191 Vernu
4192 Klezye
4193 İyya
4194 Veskur
4195 Vilyo-Lua-Mollon
4196 Vonna
4197 Vyo (En)
4198 Qarneran
4199 Qeren (kommuna)
4200 Qorrevo