Citation index in Arabic Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Arabic Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
9101 CKS2
9102 CNTLN
9103 CNTRL
9104 COQ4
9105 CORO2A
9106 CTNNAL1
9107 DAB2IP
9108 DBC1
9109 DCTN3
9110 DEC1
9111 DENND1A
9112 DNAJA1
9113 DPM2
9114 EDF1
9115 EQTN
9116 FBXW2
9117 FBXW5
9118 FCN2
9119 FGD3
9120 FNBP1
9121 FOXD4
9122 FOXE1
9123 GAPVD1
9124 GAS1
9125 GFI1B
9126 GLE1L
9127 GOLGA1
9128 GOLM1
9129 GPR107
9130 GTF3C5
9131 HABP4
9132 HEMGN
9133 IFT74
9134 INSL4
9135 INVS
9136 KIAA0368
9137 KIAA1539
9138 KIAA1797
9139 LHX3
9140 LHX6
9141 LINGO2
9142 LMX1B
9143 MAPKAP1
9144 MIR7-1
9145 MLLT3
9146 MRPS2
9147 NAA35
9148 NFX1
9149 NINJ1
9150 NOL6
9151 NOL8
9152 NPDC1
9153 NRARP
9154 ODF2
9155 ORM1
9156 OSTF1
9157 PAEP
9158 PBX3
9159 PHF2
9160 PPP3R2
9161 PRRX2
9162 PRUNE2
9163 PUM3
9164 Phosducin-like
9165 QRFP
9166 RAB14
9168 RABGAP1
9169 RALGPS1
9170 RFX3
9171 RGS3
9172 RNF183
9173 RNF38
9174 RRAGA
9175 SEC16A
9177 SH2D3C
9178 SH3GLB2
9179 SHC3
9180 SIT1
9181 SLC25A25-AS1
9182 SMC2
9183 SMC5
9184 SNAPC3
9185 SPIN1
9186 STOML2
9187 STRBP
9188 STX17
9189 STXBP1
9190 SURF1
9191 SURF2
9192 SURF4
9193 SURF6
9194 TAL2
9195 TDRD7
9196 TEX10
9197 TLE4
9198 TMEM215
9199 TOR2A
9200 UBAC1