Citation index in Arabic Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Arabic Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
1701 KLF17
1702 KPNA6
1703 Kiaa1107
1704 LEFTY2
1705 LGTN
1706 LIN9
1707 LIX1L
1708 LMO4
1709 LMX1A
1710 LRRC39
1711 LRRC41
1712 LRRC8D
1713 LRRN2
1714 LSM10
1715 Loricrin
1716 MAD2L2
1718 MDM4
1719 MEAF6
1720 MED18
1721 MFAP2
1722 MFSD2
1723 MMEL1
1724 MNDA
1725 MOSC2
1726 MPZL1
1727 MRPL20
1728 MRPL24
1729 MRPL37
1730 MRPL55
1731 MRPS21
1732 MTF1
1733 MTFR1L
1734 MTX1
1735 Matrilin-1
1736 NAV1
1737 NBPF16
1738 NCDN
1739 NDC1
1740 NECAP2
1741 NEGR1
1742 NFIA
1743 NKAIN1
1744 NOC2L
1745 NOL9
1746 NOS1AP
1747 NPHP4
1748 NRD1
1749 NSL1
1750 NT5C1A
1751 NUCKS1
1752 NUDC
1753 NUF2
1754 OR10K1
1755 OR2G6
1756 OTUD7B
1757 OVGP1
1758 Opticin
1759 PADI1
1760 PADI3
1761 PAPPA2
1762 PAQR6
1763 PAQR7
1764 PDZK1IP1
1765 PEA15
1766 PEX11B
1767 PFDN2
1768 PHC2
1769 PLD5
1770 PLEKHA6
1771 PLEKHG5
1772 PLEKHO1
1773 PNRC2
1774 POGZ
1775 POU3F1
1776 PPFIA4
1777 PRKAA2
1778 PSRC1
1779 PTBP2
1780 PUM1
1781 Peflin
1782 Phosducin
1783 Prokineticin
1784 RAB13
1785 RAB3B
1786 RAB7B
1787 RABIF
1788 RAP1A
1789 RASAL2
1790 RBBP5
1791 RBM15
1792 RBM34
1793 RBP7
1794 RC3H1
1795 RCAN3
1796 RCC2
1797 RERE
1798 RFX5
1799 RGS1
1800 RGS13