The most popular on Spanish Wikipedia in 21 April 2020
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Popular articles in 21 April 2020
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On 21 April 2020 the most popular articles in Spanish Wikipedia were: Spécial:Recherche, COVID-19, Pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019-2020, José María Calleja, Tabla periódica de los elementos, Arroba (símbolo), Kim Jong-un, Peste negra, Día de la Tierra, Virus.
# | Changes | Title | Quality | |
1 | 0 | Spécial:Recherche | - | |
2 | 0 | COVID-19 | - | |
3 | 0 | Pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019-2020 | - | |
4 | José María Calleja | 21.6001 | ||
5 | 1 | Tabla periódica de los elementos | 90.0807 | |
6 | 1 | Arroba (símbolo) | 47.0673 | |
7 | Kim Jong-un | 49.0714 | ||
8 | 1 | Peste negra | 44.5943 | |
9 | 19 | Día de la Tierra | 43.4942 | |
10 | 1 | Virus | 100.0 | |
11 | Célula endotelial | 6.9097 | ||
12 | 0 | YouTube | 100.0 | |
13 | 11 | Michael Jordan | 90.3178 | |
14 | 1 | Pandemia de gripe de 1918 | 49.2068 | |
15 | 1 | Segunda Guerra Mundial | 76.6509 | |
16 | 1 | Google Chrome | 90.2326 | |
17 | 7 | Revolución del 19 de abril de 1810 | 30.7404 | |
18 | 4 | Google Classroom | 29.283 | |
19 | 2 | Revolución Industrial | 90.024 | |
20 | 3 | Gmail | 58.8639 | |
21 | 1 | Primera Guerra Mundial | 92.1213 | |
22 | 4 | Guerra Fría | 97.6744 | |
23 | 5 | SARS-CoV-2 | - | |
24 | 11 | Miguel de Cervantes | 80.5906 | |
25 | 2 | Pandemia | 15.8363 | |
26 | 20 | Día Internacional del Libro | 47.2558 | |
27 | 56 | Adrenocromo | 7.2952 | |
28 | 2 | Voleibol | 75.6667 | |
29 | 4 | España | 92.7952 | |
30 | 3 | 88.2908 | ||
31 | 12 | La casa de papel | 55.1224 | |
32 | 9 | Globalización | 69.108 | |
33 | 10 | Leyes de Newton | 64.2085 | |
34 | 2 | Baloncesto | 92.9519 | |
35 | 46 | Scottie Pippen | 37.0888 | |
36 | 2 | Renacimiento | 70.0796 | |
37 | 8 | Democracia | 74.0021 | |
38 | 5 | Estados Unidos | 100.0 | |
39 | 3 | Edad Media | 81.5602 | |
40 | 75 | 21 de abril | 25.095 | |
41 | 4 | 58.7917 | ||
42 | 6 | Atletismo | 98.8158 | |
43 | 36 | Horacio Fontova | 37.8375 | |
44 | 40 | Lali Espósito | 82.8495 | |
45 | 16 | Adolf Hitler | 96.6552 | |
46 | 95 | Isabel II del Reino Unido | 100.0 | |
47 | 16 | Pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus de 2020 en Perú | - | |
48 | 8 | Coronavirus | 14.8233 | |
49 | 5 | Petróleo | 87.6112 | |
50 | 5 | Pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus de 2020 en México | - | |
51 | 43 | 420 (cannabis) | 24.7384 | |
52 | 8 | Gran Depresión | 46.1676 | |
53 | 2 | Revolución francesa | 62.8213 | |
54 | 16 | Zoom Video | - | |
55 | 5 | Traducción | 69.5587 | |
56 | 1 | Ilustración | 57.9305 | |
57 | 13 | Ensayo | 37.9171 | |
58 | 6 | México | 94.0489 | |
59 | 7 | Argentina | 97.4986 | |
60 | 4 | Método científico | 69.9151 | |
61 | Corea del Norte | 99.6408 | ||
62 | 13 | Leonardo da Vinci | 100.0 | |
63 | 16 | William Shakespeare | 73.2493 | |
64 | 88 | Gene Deitch | 3.241 | |
65 | 38 | Revolución mexicana | 100.0 | |
66 | 5 | Cuarentena | 20.7204 | |
67 | Kim Jong-il | 53.9302 | ||
68 | 107 | Freddie Mercury | 98.6047 | |
69 | 43 | Leyes de Mendel | 41.7645 | |
70 | Universidad Central de Chile | 51.1094 | ||
71 | 4 | Neoliberalismo | 85.0333 | |
72 | Llivia | 42.8005 | ||
73 | 1 | Aristóteles | 96.5721 | |
74 | 5 | Accidente de Chernóbil | 96.1408 | |
75 | 9 | Producto interno bruto | 38.5372 | |
76 | 1 | Bacteria | 99.5139 | |
77 | 9 | Karl Marx | 100.0 | |
78 | 6 | Célula | 99.3798 | |
79 | 21 | Vis a vis (serie de televisión) | 40.7533 | |
80 | 15 | Albert Einstein | 88.9622 | |
81 | 13 | Petróleo Brent | 28.9619 | |
82 | 48 | Tierra | 100.0 | |
83 | 21 | Guerra civil española | 85.0828 | |
84 | 45 | Treinta y Tres Orientales | 23.4357 | |
85 | Alcedo atthis | 25.5885 | ||
86 | 25 | Pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus de 2020 en España | - | |
87 | 24 | Agua | 100.0 | |
88 | 38 | The Pirate Bay | 53.3323 | |
89 | 9 | Organización de las Naciones Unidas | 85.5754 | |
90 | 2 | Átomo | 65.5036 | |
91 | 34 | Feudalismo | 56.1683 | |
92 | 12 | Colombia | 100.0 | |
93 | 94 | Virreinato de Nueva España | 89.8306 | |
94 | 27 | Ludwig van Beethoven | 91.0303 | |
95 | 19 | Netflix | 86.5116 | |
96 | 23 | Sistema solar | 79.9462 | |
97 | 20 | Energía geotérmica | 35.5042 | |
98 | 7 | Don Quijote de la Mancha | 70.4077 | |
99 | 35 | Mapa conceptual | 31.1064 | |
100 | 47 | Ecosistema | 45.5815 |
Popularity of Spanish Wikipedia in 21 April 2020
On 21 April 2020 Spanish Wikipedia had 12.85 million visits from Spain, 9.00 million visits from Mexico, 7.14 million visits from Argentina, 4.80 million visits from Colombia, 3.88 million visits from United States, 2.77 million visits from Chile, 2.49 million visits from Peru, 1.84 million visits from Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic), 1.09 million visits from Ecuador, 851.12 thousand visits from Dominican Republic and 6.16 million visits from other countries.
Quality statistics
Topical rankings for Spanish Wikipedia
About WikiRank
The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information