The Mansion of Happiness

ver. 1.6

The Mansion of Happiness


The Mansion of Happiness - board game. Article "The Mansion of Happiness" in Simple English Wikipedia has 12.4 points for quality (as of August 1, 2024). The article contains 1 references and 2 sections.

This article has the best quality in English Wikipedia. Also, this article is the most popular in that language version.

Since the creation of article "The Mansion of Happiness", its content was written by 4 registered users of Simple English Wikipedia and edited by 60 registered Wikipedia users in all languages.

The article is cited 1 times in Simple English Wikipedia and cited 34 times in all languages.

The highest Authors Interest rank from 2001:

  • Local (Simple English): #1572 in October 2012
  • Global: #209879 in December 2008

The highest popularity rank from 2008:

  • Local (Simple English): #1480 in October 2012
  • Global: #825927 in November 2008

There are 3 language versions for this article in the WikiRank database (of the considered 55 Wikipedia language editions).

The quality and popularity assessment was based on Wikipédia dumps from August 1, 2024 (including revision history and pageviews for previous years).

The table below shows the language versions of the article with the highest quality.

Languages with the highest quality

#LanguageQuality gradeQuality score
1English (en)
The Mansion of Happiness
2Catalan (ca)
The Mansion of Happiness
3Simple English (simple)
The Mansion of Happiness

The following table shows the most popular language versions of the article.

Most popular in all the time

The most popular language versions of the article "The Mansion of Happiness" in all the time
#LanguagePopularity awardRelative popularity
1English (en)
The Mansion of Happiness
116 320
2Simple English (simple)
The Mansion of Happiness
3 873
3Catalan (ca)
The Mansion of Happiness

The following table shows the language versions of the article with the highest popularity in the last month.

Most popular in July 2024

The most popular language versions of the article "The Mansion of Happiness" in July 2024
#LanguagePopularity awardRelative popularity
1English (en)
The Mansion of Happiness
2Simple English (simple)
The Mansion of Happiness
3Catalan (ca)
The Mansion of Happiness

The following table shows the language versions of the article with the highest Authors’ Interest.

The highest AI

Language versions of the article "The Mansion of Happiness" with the highest Authors Interest (number of authors). Only registered Wikipedia users were taken into account.
#LanguageAI awardRelative AI
1English (en)
The Mansion of Happiness
2Simple English (simple)
The Mansion of Happiness
3Catalan (ca)
The Mansion of Happiness

The following table shows the language versions of the article with the highest Authors’ Interest in the last month.

The highest AI in July 2024

Language versions of the article "The Mansion of Happiness" with the highest AI in July 2024
#LanguageAI awardRelative AI
1English (en)
The Mansion of Happiness
2Catalan (ca)
The Mansion of Happiness
3Simple English (simple)
The Mansion of Happiness

The following table shows the language versions of the article with the highest number of citations.

The highest CI

Language versions of the article "The Mansion of Happiness" with the highest Citation Index (CI)
#LanguageCI awardRelative CI
1English (en)
The Mansion of Happiness
2Catalan (ca)
The Mansion of Happiness
3Simple English (simple)
The Mansion of Happiness


Estimated value for Wikipedia:
Simple English:
Popularity in July 2024:
Simple English:
Popularity in all years:
Simple English:
Authors in July 2024:
Simple English:
Registered authors in all years:
Simple English:
Simple English:

Quality measures


The Mansion of Happiness
The Mansion of Happiness
simpleSimple English
The Mansion of Happiness

Popularity rank trends

Best Rank Simple English:

AI rank trends

Best Rank Simple English:

Local popularity rank history

Local AI rank history

Languages comparison

Important global interconnections

Wikipedia readers most often find their way to information on The Mansion of Happiness from Wikipedia articles about The Game of Life, History of games, Board game, Milton Bradley and 19th century in games. Whereas reading the article about The Mansion of Happiness people most often go to Wikipedia articles on Board game, Teetotum, The Game of Life, Milton Bradley and Parker Brothers.

Cumulative results of quality and popularity of the Wikipedia article

List of Wikipedia articles in different languages (starting with the most popular):

News from 12 March 2025

On 12 March 2025 in multilingual Wikipedia, Internet users most often read articles on the following topics: Elon Musk, 2024–25 UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League, Diego Simeone, Kim Sae-ron, Kim Soo-hyun, Greenland, Giuliano Simeone, Donald Trump, ChatGPT.

In Simple English Wikipedia the most popular articles on that day were: Ousmane Dembélé, SOLID (object-oriented design), United States presidential line of succession, Wikimedia Foundation, XXXTentacion, List of U.S. states, Snow White (2025 movie), Black, Brent Manalo, Names of large numbers.

About WikiRank

The WikiRank project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information