Films popularity ranking in Latin Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

Popular articles in all the time (1-100)

# Title Popularity
1Monty Python's Life of Brian
2The Lion King
3Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
4Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (pellicula 1937)
5Matrix (pellicula)
6Gladiator (pellicula)
7Finding Nemo
8Citizen Kane
9The Passion of the Christ
102001: A Space Odyssey
11Titanic (pellicula 1997)
13Avatar (pellicula)
14Fight Club (pellicula)
15The Godfather (pellicula)
16High School Musical
17Gone with the Wind (pellicula)
18La vita è bella (pellicula)
19Beauty and the Beast (pellicula 1991)
20Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
21Jaws (pellicula)
22Lawrence of Arabia (pellicula)
23The Graduate
24Schindler's List
25Star Wars: The Force Awakens
26Un chien andalou
28Metropolis (pellicula)
29The Lion in Winter
30Tonari no Totoro
31Truth in Numbers: The Wikipedia Story
32Back to the Future
33Casablanca (pellicula)
34The Great Dictator
36Amadeus (pellicula)
37300 (pellicula)
38E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
39Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain
40Der Untergang
41Dead Poets Society
42Twilight (pellicula)
43Saving Private Ryan
44The Fox and the Hound
45Slumdog Millionaire
47The Avengers (pellicula 2012)
48Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
49Pinocchio (pellicula 1940)
50Majo no Takkyūbin
52Ex Machina
53Shakespeare in Love
54Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
55The Birth of a Nation
56La dolce vita
57Excalibur (pellicula)
58Ice Age (pellicula)
59The King’s Speech
60Il nome della rosa (pellicula)
61Psycho (pellicula)
62The Social Network
63Jesus of Nazareth
64Raiders of the Lost Ark
65Rain Man
66Shichinin no samurai
67The Hunger Games (pellicula)
68Rocky Horror Picture Show
69V for Vendetta (pellicula)
70One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (pellicula)
71Mars Attacks!
72The Lion King 1½
73The Day After Tomorrow
74A Beautiful Mind (pellicula)
75The Sound of Music (pellicula)
76Jurassic Park (pellicula)
77The Aristocats
78Midnight in Paris
79Invictus (pellicula)
80The Last Emperor
81Vertigo (pellicula)
82Brokeback Mountain
83The Third Man
84The Pianist (pellicula)
85Planet of the Apes
86Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu?
87Independence Day (pellicula)
88Brother Bear
89Modern Times
90Alexander (pellicula)
91Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma
92Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo
93The Devil Wears Prada
94Olympus Has Fallen
95Reservoir Dogs
96Prometheus (pellicula)
97Oliver & Company
98Alice in Wonderland (pellicula)
99Blade Runner
100On the Waterfront
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>