The most popular articles on Norwegian Wikipedia in August 2011
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
10Anders Behring Breivik
2 4Norge
3 3875Fri programvare
4 1664Dyr
5 9Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen
6 21USA
7 10Levanto
8 10Cottbus
9 7939GNU General Public License
10 9Winterslow
11 24Arbeiderpartiet
12 196Liste over norske politiske partier
13 8Chennai
14 12Utøya
15 5Oslo
16 34Jo Nesbø
17 13Harry Potter
18 13Terrorangrepene i Norge 2011
19 26Wikipedia
20 23Justin Bieber
21 3688Wikimedia Foundation
22 99Fremskrittspartiet
23 16Jarle Bernhoft
24 14750Jorge Luis Borges
25 16Massedrapet på Utøya
26 647Blogg
27 269Høyre
28 479Venstre
29 4Nordahl Grieg
30 2Ruger Mini-14
31 42Wiki
32 45Norges fylker
33 9780Tony Hawk
34 10Til ungdommen
35 55356Pierre de Fermat
36 17Bergen
37 219Demokrati
38 36Asperger syndrom
39 659Tesaurus
40 102Rihanna
41 7Aprilsnarr
42 2YouTube
43 563Ramadan
44 31Tyskland
45 771Senterpartiet
46 1317Big Brother (Norge)
47 20HTTP
48 534Sosialistisk Venstreparti
49 30Europa
50 90Norges kommuner
51 13Jens Stoltenberg
52 626Synonym
53 13Selena Gomez
54 150Norsk
55 1018Middelalderen
56 629Kantarell
57 15Penis
58 4482Offentlig eiendom
59 45Facebook
60 90Islam
61 40Bipolar lidelse
62 65Norrøn mytologi
63 27036Startside
64 27Andre verdenskrig
65 1243Kristelig Folkeparti
66 41199Copyfraud
67 89Canada
68 122Manchester United
69 25Tyrkia
70 88India
71 216Liberalisme
72 25446Subversion
73 16Sverige
74 25Kina
75 412Henrik Ibsen
76 70New York
77 91Sosialisme
78 16Danmark
79 Encyclopedia of Life
80 1155Odd Nerdrum
81 17Trondheim
82 1433Rødt
83 364Periodesystemet
84 57Bryllupsdag
85 29Lady Gaga
86 595Star Wars
87 1321Muammar al-Gaddafi
88 928Libya
89 104Australia
90 36Mitt lille land
91 100Sveits
92 19Vagina
93 71Internett
94 21113Biologisk klassifikasjon
95 88Liverpool FC
96 3780Hariton Pushwagner
97 177Mette-Marit av Norge
98 11Russland
99 741Johnny Cash
100 16Frankrike
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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