The most popular articles on Norwegian Wikipedia in December 2008
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
301 94Irland
302 66Chile
303 57Jupiter
304 98Euro
305 41Emo
306 4350Reisen til Julestjernen
307 4163Norges kvinnelandslag i håndball
308 272Elizabeth I av England
309 60Hannah Montana
310 24Abort
311 111Arbeiderpartiet
312 37Kokain
313 101Østerrike
314 269Donau
315 44Madagaskar
316 117Liste over land etter innbyggertall
317 15756Atlanterhavsveien
318 3Tupac Shakur
319 110Fridtjof Nansen
320 7829Gjest Bårdsen
321 26Holocaust
322 79Hiv
323 150Eventyr
324 51Apostelen Paulus
325 1359Alfred Nobel
326 185Karl Marx
327 3399Oliver Twist
328 120Astrid Lindgren
329 173Lil Wayne
330 107Mars (planet)
331 89Folkeregisteret
332 443Jeanne d’Arc
333 60Venstre
334 321Liste over Norges statsministre
335 4824Ole Klemetsen
336 14526Snipp og Snapp
337 124Fett
338 2140Arve Opsahl
339 148Karbohydrat
340 18Iran
341 879Linni Meister
342 118Menneskerettigheter
343 8092Martin Linge
344 587Madcon
345 245Frimureri
346 78Fascisme
347 4Bibelen
348 34Barcelona
349 2043The Pussycat Dolls
350 28Queen
351 33Amalie Skram
352 170Modernisme
353 150Orgasme
354 15NRK
355 83Homofili
356 91Vulva
357 143Aristoteles
358 4215Juleevangeliet
359 400Vigrid (organisasjon)
360 16Vladimir Lenin
361 121Terrorangrepene 11. september 2001
362 67Immanuel Kant
363 10Hjerneslag
364 801Nikolaus Kopernikus
365 163Harald V
366 1Eminem
367 14Menneske
368 1065Arn-trilogien
369 7457Misteltein
370 31Ukraina
371 279Blu-ray Disc
372 81Vietnam
373 255Imperialisme
374 48Amerikansk dollar
375 210Den industrielle revolusjon
376 47Ludwig van Beethoven
377 61Julius Cæsar
378 36Ringenes herre
379 4J.K. Rowling
380 125Diabetes
381 16Spiseforstyrrelse
382 102Liste over norske byer
383 145Alexander Kielland
384 228Madonna (artist)
385 181Berlinmuren
386 136Che Guevara
387 312George W. Bush
388 992Marit Larsen
389 79Rosenborg Ballklub
390 203Dødsfall i 2023
391 582012
392 178Nepal
393 1940Julemat
394 2446Lars Ulrich
395 63Romania
396 320Olav V
397 Frank Krog
398 432Gambia
399 149Johann Sebastian Bach
400 103Vikingtiden
<< < 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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