
Non-deterministic Turing machine - may have a set of rules that prescribes more than one action for a given situation; state and tape symbol no longer uniquely specify things; rather, many different actions may apply for the same combination of state and symbol. Article "비결정론적 튜링 기계" in Korean Wikipedia has 5.9 points for quality (as of August 1, 2024).
The article contains 0 references and 4 sections.
This article has the best quality in English Wikipedia. Also, this article is the most popular in that language version.
Since the creation of article "비결정론적 튜링 기계", its content was written by 6 registered users of Korean Wikipedia and edited by 324 registered Wikipedia users in all languages.
The article is cited 26 times in Korean Wikipedia and cited 757 times in all languages.
The highest Authors Interest rank from 2001:
- Local (Korean): #2600 in February 2006
- Global: #14543 in February 2002
The highest popularity rank from 2008:
- Local (Korean): #27939 in December 2008
- Global: #155292 in August 2010
There are 21 language versions for this article in the WikiRank database (of the considered 55 Wikipedia language editions).
The quality and popularity assessment was based on Wikipédia dumps from August 1, 2024 (including revision history and pageviews for previous years).
The table below shows the language versions of the article with the highest quality.