La Réunion des poètes

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La Réunion des poètes


The Contemporary Poets. A Reading of Zorrilla in the Artist's Studio - painting by Antonio María Esquivel. This painting is the 6953rd most popular in the global Wikipedia ranking of paintings. Article "La Réunion des poètes" in French Wikipedia has 21.6 points for quality (as of August 1, 2024). The article contains 10 references and 9 sections.

In this language version of Wikipedia the article has the best quality. However, the most popular language version of this article is Spanish.

Achievements in all the time:
Global Wikipedia:
The 6953rd most popular in paintings.

Since the creation of article "La Réunion des poètes", its content was written by 9 registered users of French Wikipedia and edited by 13 registered Wikipedia users in all languages.

The Contemporary Poets. A Reading of Zorrilla in the Artist's Studio is on the 6953rd place in global ranking of paintings on Wikipedia in all the time.

The article is cited 22 times in French Wikipedia and cited 30 times in all languages.

The highest Authors Interest rank from 2001:

  • Local (French): #22430 in December 2014
  • Global: #280834 in September 2016

The highest popularity rank from 2008:

  • Local (French): #392794 in December 2014
  • Global: #2259184 in May 2020

There are 2 language versions for this article in the WikiRank database (of the considered 55 Wikipedia language editions).

The quality and popularity assessment was based on Wikipédia dumps from August 1, 2024 (including revision history and pageviews for previous years).

The table below shows the language versions of the article with the highest quality.

Languages with the highest quality

#LanguageQuality gradeQuality score
1French (fr)
La Réunion des poètes
2Spanish (es)
Los poetas contemporáneos. Una lectura de Zorrilla en el estudio del pintor

The following table shows the most popular language versions of the article.

Most popular in all the time

The most popular language versions of the article "La Réunion des poètes" in all the time
#LanguagePopularity awardRelative popularity
1Spanish (es)
Los poetas contemporáneos. Una lectura de Zorrilla en el estudio del pintor
17 866
2French (fr)
La Réunion des poètes
2 748

The following table shows the language versions of the article with the highest popularity in the last month.

Most popular in July 2024

The most popular language versions of the article "La Réunion des poètes" in July 2024
#LanguagePopularity awardRelative popularity
1Spanish (es)
Los poetas contemporáneos. Una lectura de Zorrilla en el estudio del pintor
2French (fr)
La Réunion des poètes

The following table shows the language versions of the article with the highest Authors’ Interest.

The highest AI

Language versions of the article "La Réunion des poètes" with the highest Authors Interest (number of authors). Only registered Wikipedia users were taken into account.
#LanguageAI awardRelative AI
1French (fr)
La Réunion des poètes
2Spanish (es)
Los poetas contemporáneos. Una lectura de Zorrilla en el estudio del pintor

The following table shows the language versions of the article with the highest Authors’ Interest in the last month.

The highest AI in July 2024

Language versions of the article "La Réunion des poètes" with the highest AI in July 2024
#LanguageAI awardRelative AI
1Spanish (es)
Los poetas contemporáneos. Una lectura de Zorrilla en el estudio del pintor
2French (fr)
La Réunion des poètes

The following table shows the language versions of the article with the highest number of citations.

The highest CI

Language versions of the article "La Réunion des poètes" with the highest Citation Index (CI)
#LanguageCI awardRelative CI
1French (fr)
La Réunion des poètes
2Spanish (es)
Los poetas contemporáneos. Una lectura de Zorrilla en el estudio del pintor


Estimated value for Wikipedia:
Popularity in July 2024:
Popularity in all years:
Authors in July 2024:
Registered authors in all years:

Quality measures


Los poetas contemporáneos. Una lectura de Zorrilla en el estudio del pintor
La Réunion des poètes

Popularity rank trends

Best Rank French:

AI rank trends

Best Rank French:

Languages comparison

Important global interconnections

Wikipedia readers most often find their way to information on The Contemporary Poets. A Reading of Zorrilla in the Artist's Studio from Wikipedia articles about Antonio María Esquivel, Romanticism in Spanish literature, Literary movement, Ramón de Mesonero Romanos and José Zorrilla. Whereas reading the article about The Contemporary Poets. A Reading of Zorrilla in the Artist's Studio people most often go to Wikipedia articles on Antonio María Esquivel, Manuel Bretón de los Herreros, Javier de Burgos, Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch and Parnassus.

Cumulative results of quality and popularity of the Wikipedia article

List of Wikipedia articles in different languages (starting with the most popular):

News from 15 January 2025

On 15 January 2025 in multilingual Wikipedia, Internet users most often read articles on the following topics: Squid Game, Elon Musk, Squid Game, season 2, deaths in 2025, ChatGPT, Nosferatu, Donald Trump, Neil Gaiman, Pete Hegseth, Greenland.

In French Wikipedia the most popular articles on that day were: Timothée Chalamet, Pauline Bonaparte, Bob Dylan, François Rebsamen, Soudan du Sud, Espaly-Saint-Marcel, N'oubliez pas les paroles !, Charlie Dalin, Philomena, Patricia Lyfoung.

About WikiRank

The WikiRank project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information