The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in June 2009
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
701 2402 goe̍h
702 260Choâ
703 16Chhùi-khí
704 228Niger
705 574Sigmund Freud
706 176Liân-ha̍p-kok An-choân Lí-sū-hōe
707 53Julius Caesar
708 74Thò͘-kho
709 20Liân-pang Tiâu-cha Kio̍k
710 244Pêⁿ-po͘-cho̍k
711 133Abraham Lincoln
712 126Amsterdam
713 340Arkansas
714 648Bîn-chú
715 519Ban Ki-moon
716 4Boston
717 187Caribe Hái
718 459Gabon
719 27La̍t
720 315Louisiana
721 209Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij
722 235Qatar
723 3128Tāi-liân-chhī
724 143Tang-lâm A-chiu
725 666The Beatles
726 64Ubuntu
727 320Omar al-Bashir
728 30Antigua kap Barbuda
729 199Hun-chú seng-bu̍t-ha̍k
730 781970 nî
731 866Roman gí-cho̍k
732 24Kùi-cho̍k
733 357Seⁿ-si̍t hē-thóng
734 9872 goe̍h 12 ji̍t
735 2613 goe̍h 11 ji̍t
736 1394Kok-chè Su-hoat Hoat-īⁿ
737 45Arizona
738 243
739 186Henry Ford
740 28Hiàn-hoat
741 46Léng-chiàn
742 322MMORPG
743 4NASA
744 242Puerto Rico
745 4850Tōng-bu̍t-ha̍k
746 231Kim-sio̍k
747 191Osman Tè-kok
748 128Platon
749 128Bo̍k-chheⁿ
750 44Associated Press
751 47Seychelles
752 4051968 nî
753 192Liû-hêng-sèng kám-mō͘
754 81Hoat-kok léng Guiana
755 142Kong-hun
756 335Pâ-thiông
757 475Andy Warhol
758 64Gì-tah
759 480Illinois
760 1646Khí-kut-chit
761 169Li̍p
762 222Malta
763 86Chia̍h-mi̍h
764 551Koa-si
765 3694 goe̍h 16 ji̍t
766 99Li̍p-thé-chú-gī
767 519Pak-hái
768 115Chad
769 3131930 nî
770 63Chîⁿ
771 40Hô-lân (tē-tài)
772 225Chū-jiân soán-te̍k
773 255Khui-hoe si̍t-bu̍t
774 51Gîn
775 146Chhim-chùn-chhī
776 377Gō͘-ji̍t-cheh
777 210Siān-thâng
778 561Botnet
779 84Copenhagen
780 537Costa Rica
781 403Hoeh
782 243Liberia
783 347Maria Sharapova
784 424Melilla
785 52Ohio
786 4981963 nî
787 21786 goe̍h 6 ji̍t
788 15561901 nî
789 760Lithium
790 20Thó͘-chheⁿ
791 24Kok-chè Hoè-pè Ki-kim
792 333Chiat-kang-séng
793 499Kó͘-sè-khún
794 465Bîn-chú Chìn-pō͘ Tóng
795 266Kyrgyzstan
796 327Moldova
797 418Sak-khuh
798 9Sek-an-chú-gī
799 13351871 nî
800 4821920 nî

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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