The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in May 2009
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
801 331Hui-chèng-hú cho͘-chit
802 3061972 nî
803 498Pian-bé
804 375Siong-gia̍p
805 131959 nî
806 142Viking-lâng
807 925Chhì-juh
808 373Thó͘-chheⁿ
809 1075Hô-lân (tē-tài)
810 66Hà Nội Chhī
811 433Sè-kài Bō͘-e̍k Cho͘-chit
812 14Tiū
813 306Kok-chè Hoè-pè Ki-kim
814 2721990 nî-tāi
815 1387Benzene
816 208Hûn-hoà-lô͘
817 752Koh-oa̍h-cheh
818 373Mauricio Funes
819 631Michelangelo Buonarroti
820 276Nevada
821 1334Thian-bûn tan-ūi
822 1891933 nî
823 3081961 nî
824 3291974 nî
825 328Kosovo
826 553Goân-siú
827 165Kong-ha̍p-sêng
828 171Sèng-tàn Lāu-lâng
829 234Âng-sek
830 15785 goe̍h 9 ji̍t
831 50Archimedes
832 15British Columbia
833 616Linus Torvalds
834 104Mark Twain
835 46Ohio
836 788Pe̍h-sek
837 46Thêng-sek gí-giân
838 168Tó-sū
839 660Sió-he̍k-chheⁿ
840 347Gîn-kak-á
841 139Cho͘-sòe
842 138Abraham Lincoln
843 38Bahamas
844 162Kansas
845 184Tiān-chû-pho
846 201Yemen
847 2246Chia̍h-mi̍h
848 140Lô-má sò͘-jī
849 1841956 nî
850 3851957 nî
851 157Pīⁿ
852 159Lān-pha
853 114Soa-bo̍k
854 789Phōng-kó
855 262Tang Lô-má Tè-kok
856 471Helium
857 322Chhùi
858 78Tiong-kok Kok-bîn Tóng
859 21Hyôgo-koān
860 155Bill Clinton
862 1274Curitiba
863 74Johannes Kepler
864 619Khì-thé
865 207Mali
866 162New Jersey
867 207Oman
868 2298Sîn-bêng
869 182Sai
870Tē 9 hō Kau-hiáng-khek (Beethoven)
871 115Tiān-chú
872 4799 goe̍h 16 ji̍t
873 1771947 nî
874 230Be̍h-á
875 116Kim-chheⁿ
876 148Homeros
877 257Si̍t-bîn-tē
878 1Khióng-pò͘-chú-gī
879 204Lâm-sek
880 167Liân-ha̍p-kok An-choân Lí-sū-hōe
881 8668 goe̍h 5 ji̍t
882 502Cayman Kûn-tó
883 14Doctor Who
884 422Hoé-piah
885 35Kenya
886 262Thn̂g-jiō-pēⁿ
887 212Turkmenistan
888 968Pháng
889 220Lo̍k-sam-ki
890 163Khióng-liông
891 751936 nî
892 164Lông
893 468Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
894 302Hîm
895 275Kong-hun
896 370Koaⁿ
897 73Bâ-hong
898 116Gê-chiu-pēⁿ-ha̍k
899 544 goe̍h 1 ji̍t
900 261ABBA
<< < 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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