The most popular articles on Volapük Wikipedia in May 2017
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
601 521937
602 1111950
603 46Hondurän
604 157Lugandayän
605 1279Mayul 14
606 772Milton Keynes
607 2458Mudel
608 120Nebraska
609 26Nikola Tesla
610 1414Sloven
611 1511927
612 1221943
613 3671948
614 565Bangkok
615 346Bolivän
616 736Del
617 433Detroit
618 433Dokans Kil
619 65Edinburgh
620 213Firenze
621 393Hollywood
622 748Jacksonville
623 41Kansas
624 909Köln
625 277Lätiopän
626 2435Mayul 13
627 753Mission (Täxasän)
628 153New Orleans
629 271Nice (Telplänov)
630 271Niort
631 162Orillia
632 203Richard Stallman
633 1726Sacramento (Kalifornän)
634 293Sigmund Freud
635 1403Vic-le-Comte
636 227Vesüda⸗Virginän
637 1107Wilson
638 63Zvanän
639 990Minneapolis (Minnesota)
640 1811911
641 1161920
642 2051924
643 641926
644 3871939
645 2661953
646 3691960
647 94Brunän
648 966Gadam
649 93Haitiyän
650 129Jakarta
651 93Kongoän (Repüblikän Demokratik)
652 337Kovätän
653 1808Mayul 16
654 1338Mayul 17
655 1563Mayul 19
656 1441Mayul 2
657 241Mississippi
658 96Naureän
659 457Netasogädim
660 69Nikaraguvän
661 727Oxford
662 251Panamän
663 978Ponte de Sor
664 74Portland (Oregon)
665 343Preston (Lancashire)
666 977Prilul 19
667 573Salta (provin)
668 16Sandominän
669 657Badän⸗Vürtän
670 611931
671 1831936
672 2521938
673 2931957
674 4531977
675 915Asten
676 426Baltimore (Maryland)
677 426Belisän
678 333Budapest
679 520Düzce
680 88Harry Potter
681 382Liberän
682 39Lomän
683 1204Mayul 3
684 279Onet-le-Château
685 469Prilul 1
686 167Sanmarinän
687 967Sveg
688 445Talav
689 1932Vechta
690 1261879
691 2901910
692 1271933
693 3401949
694 4191951
695 4291976
696 4981983
697 342Bir
698 567Bäyrut
699 2110Ciboure
700 42Ciudad de México
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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