The most popular articles on Simple English Wikipedia in May 2014
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
701 37Dinosaur
702 8Africa
703 47Indigo
704 148Venus
705 37Seminal vesicle
706 14612-hour clock
707 130Glomerular filtration rate
708 781Biological process
709 39Organism
710 306Forest
711 96Mineral
712 65Poverty in India
713 287Harmonium
714 65Calculus
715 180St. Peter's Basilica
716 125Miley Cyrus
717 569Schizophrenia
718 318Stone Age
719 46Dolphin
720 40Constitution of the United States
721 141Communication
722 58Family
723 441Bumblebee bat
724 196Acne
725 132London Eye
726 373Legendary Pokémon
727 238Papaya
728 33Antibiotics
729 588Light
730 194Shear stress
731 82Tropical cyclone
732 189Batman Begins
733 49Exaggeration
734 38Greek mythology
735 161Dictionary
736 9Little Red Riding Hood
737 107Ku Klux Klan
738 65Fungus
739 308Economy of the United States in the 1920s
740 146People's Republic of China
741 18Respiratory system
742 101List of soccer clubs in the United States
743 61Colour
744 200Eminem
745 196Wayne Gretzky
746 116Firewall (networking)
747 11Pubis (bone)
748 126Cancer
749 274International System of Units
750 132Tense (grammar)
751 113Universe
752 164Algebra
753 38Virus
754 1929Divorce
755 4439Nickname
756 373Twelve Apostles
757 99Clothing in Ancient Greece
758 148Saprophyte
759 7225Edward VII
760 199Natural environment
761 22Swan
762 651Rosa Parks
763 139RAID
764 389Hardwood
765 103Komodo dragon
766 34Gross domestic product
767 81Silver (color)
768 226Rohypnol
769 115President of the United States
770 234Diabetes mellitus
771 109Tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues
772 53Cingular Wireless
773 36Voodoo
774 257Mughal Empire
775 280Halloween
776 21Parrot
777 27Address
778 45Algorithm
779 30United States dollar
780 4Punjabi language
781 109Wiki
782 270Snake
783 2131Red Hot Chili Peppers
784 225Congolian rainforests
785 117Military
786 13690Royal house
787 255Mango
788 148Elizabeth I
789 92Iran
790 232Schrödinger's cat
791 144Organ system
792 169Star
793 256Shark
794 114Cantaloupe
795 365Monaco
796 479Linux
797 383Politics
798 69Java (programming language)
799 590Berlin
800 261Stephen Hawking

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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