The most popular articles on Norwegian Wikipedia in January 2012
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
701 4409Game of Thrones
702 50Human Development Index
703 310Maldivene
704 793Trapes (geometri)
705 82Møre og Romsdal
706 366Stonehenge
707 187Narsissistisk personlighetsforstyrrelse
708 82Sogn og Fjordane
709 5Max Manus
710 275Neymar
711 4576Margrethe II av Danmark
712 2Zlatan Ibrahimović
713 294Vitamin B
714 100VG
715 232Kriminalitet
716 867Chihuahua (hund)
717 1412Impresjonisme
718 39Stoffskifte
719 125Elektrisk motor
720 17868Tetris-effekten
721 373Inger Hagerup
722 590Balkan
723 285Sri Lanka
724 15Glukose
725 448Boligsparing for ungdom
726 17Etiopia
727 37Julius Cæsar
728 9Insulin
729 254LOL
730 3181Tom Hanks
731 990Tom Cruise
732 71Hjerne
733 22Merverdiavgift
734 115Snø
735 148Nordahl Grieg
736 160Antikkens Hellas
737 676Idol (TV-program)
738 794Bob Dylan
739 48Republikken Kina (Taiwan)
740 605Apollo 11
741 Nicolay Schrøder
742 157Norges Grunnlov
743 274Ja, vi elsker dette landet
744 330Leopard
745 640Amsterdam
746 174AC/DC
747 75Symbol
748 16421. århundre
749 760Samiske språk
750 32811Christer Pettersson
751 428Gen
752 260Ramadan
753 2801Trykk
754 342Menn som hater kvinner
755 4289Kambrium
756 131Det gyldne snitt
757 18Ateisme
758 447Bolivia
759 158Hypotyreose
760 541Alpene
761 451Trekant
762 193Liste over hovedsteder i Europa
763 163Betong
764 335Georgia
765 5505Édith Piaf
766 198Leukemi
767 86EM i fotball 2012
768 688Rombe
769 1184Moské
770 753Fibromyalgi
771 201Sondre Lerche
772 33282Land (Innlandet)
773 308Franklin D. Roosevelt
774 1002Vincent van Gogh
775 188Taylor Swift
776 152De forente arabiske emirater
777 328Psykose
778 70Oralsex
779 5Bangladesh
780 82Nitrogen
781 525Stillehavet
782 130Tysk
783 23Adel
784 141Tourettes syndrom
785 740Madeira
786 392Kirke
787 161Monaco
788 504Antisemittisme
789 75Nepal
790 122Orgasme
791 137Watt
792 140Ecuador
793 573Thomas Edison
794 333Real Madrid CF
795 211H.C. Andersen
796 545Influensa
797 391Nordpolen
798 205Innsjø
799 43Elveblest
800 213Telemark

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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