The most popular articles on Dutch Wikipedia in June 2009
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
901 286Immanuel Kant
902 1004Twilight
903 120High-definition television
904 38Amersfoort
905 140Kat
906 214Suske en Wiske
907 22Koffie
908 1588Muse
909 410Diazepam
910 68Kosovo
911 136Star Wars
912Mir-Hossein Mousavi
913 131Irak
914 207Drenthe
915 60Koran
916 107Diamant
917 834Militaire Willems-Orde
918 99Amerikaanse dollar
919 378Arsenal FC
920 279Emo (subcultuur)
921 846Tibet (gebied)
922 94Colombia
923 191Universal serial bus
924 43Ghana
925 415Lijst van landen naar bnp
926 42Televisie
927 97Tweeslachtigheid
928 235Kim Kardashian
929 176Tunesië
930 92Victoria van het Verenigd Koninkrijk
931 131Jazz
932 2235Snaartheorie
933 265Kreta
934 1837LouisLouise
935 238Ziekte van Alzheimer
936 1007Salvia divinorum
937 422Bergen-Belsen
938 440Viaduct van Millau
939 252Lance Armstrong
940 2Aluminium
941 12Quentin Tarantino
942 56Chili
943 565Enrique Iglesias
944 1566Emma Watson
945 2508Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie
946 165Dolfijnen
947 174Akon
948 581Alpe d'Huez
949 313Kurt Cobain
950 38Depeche Mode
951 133Anabole steroïden
952 165Rap (muziekstijl)
953 195Maligne lymfoom
954 37Redundant array of independent disks
955 280Big Ben
956 42Grand Theft Auto IV
957 1139The Dukes of Hazzard
958 394Canarische Eilanden
959 280Ilse DeLange
960 101Volleybal
961 277Liter
962Heaven 17
963 499Bliksem
964 85Fotografie
965 114Vogels
966 398Fotosynthese
967 64Denis Mensjov
968 181Gevechtswapen
969 117Oerknal
970 34Glucose
971 35Postmodernisme
972 205Enterprise resource planning
973 76Groot-Brittannië
974 205Google LLC
975 30Zwolle
976 169Flevoland
977 178Logaritme
978 398Schilderkunst
979 222Favicon
980 30154Micronatie
981 122Cyste
982 36Witte bloedcel
983 464Aanval op Pearl Harbor
984 349Paus
985 654Master
986 674Witte haai
987 184Dopamine
988 169Eurozone
989 196Brandnetel
990 15745Marie Antoinette
991 14919Comoren
992 13Paracetamol
993 118Washington D.C.
994 107Bevalling
995 173Bijen
996 57Normale verdeling
997 283Reclame
998 298Dragon Ball Z
999 167Kunst
1000 45Alcoholische drank
<< < 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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