The most popular articles on Indonesian Wikipedia in January 2008
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
401 6Adly Fairuz
402 6Perang Salib
403 6Suku Jawa
404 6Italia
405 6Pariwisata
406 6Pasar modal
407 6Protein
408 6Komponen elektronik
409 6Sejarah Nusantara
410 6Kota Medan
411 6Majas
412 6Sriwijaya
413 6Uranus
414 6Pantun
415 6Kebakaran hutan dan lahan
416 6Israel
417 6Daftar karakter Harry Potter
418 6Microsoft Word
419 6Tuanku Imam Bonjol
420 6Ular
421 6Bulan
422 6Friendster
423 6Tumbuhan berbunga
424 6Batu bara
425 6Neji Hyuuga
426 6Transistor
427 6Tenis
428 6Reksa dana
429 7Siti Hartinah
430 7Punk
431 7Futsal
432 7Tikus (shio)
433 7Candi
434 7Transportasi
435 7Sangkuriang (legenda)
436 7Seks anal
437 7Norma sosial
438 7Masyarakat
439 7Kimono
440 7Revolusi Prancis
441 7Ilmu ekonomi
442 7Bleach
443 7Kota Semarang
444 7Kecak
445 7Radio
446 7Abad ke-7 SM
447 7Manchester United F.C.
448 7Virus komputer
449 7Daftar penguasa Jawa
450 7Kalimantan Timur
451 7Jupiter
452 7Konflik Israel–Palestina
453 7Lampung
454 7Institut Pertanian Bogor
455 7Jaringan Area Lokal Nirkabel
456 7Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
457 7Papua
458 7Cerita pendek
459 7Pengelolaan sampah
460 7Kanada
461 7Klitoris
462 7Soedirman
463 7Institut Teknologi Bandung
464 7Abdurrahman Wahid
465 7Bahasa Jawa
466 7Limbah
467 7Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Republik Indonesia
468 7Traktat
469 7Orang utan
470 7Sejarah Asia Tenggara
471 7Ekosistem
472 7Kelompok sosial
473 7Fermentasi
474 7Kompos
475 7Gamelan
476 7Bahasa Melayu
477 7Organisasi Negara-Negara Pengekspor Minyak Bumi
478 7Golongan darah
479 7Protokol Transfer Hiperteks
480 7Ayat-Ayat Cinta
481 7Larutan
482 7Hukum gerak Newton
483 7Topologi jaringan
484 7Syariat Islam
485 7Perhimpunan Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara
486 7Pasar valuta asing
487 7Kalimantan
488 7Ekonomi Indonesia
489 7Logika
490 7Harimau
491 7Malaikat
492 7Pemasaran
493 7Sejarah Internet
494 7Kanker
495 7Fauna Indonesia
496 7Kebijakan moneter
497 7Badan Intelijen Negara Republik Indonesia
498 7Laporan keuangan
499 7Bunga
500 7Fungi
<< < 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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