The most popular articles on Estonian Wikipedia in December 2010
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
501 769Coco Chanel
502 99Pariis
503 160Malaisia
504 261Ajakirjandus
505 2242Purjekas
506 311Faust (Goethe)
507 349Mesopotaamia
508 132Aleksandr Puškin
509 352Raimond Valgre
510 90Vabavara
511 237Harilik mänd
512 153Estonia
513 103Georg Ots
514 1314Laev
515 146Serbia
516 35Narva
517 16Erich Maria Remarque
518 141Eesti president
519 134Merkuur
520 408624. detsember
521 207Metafoor
522 220Peipsi järv
523 30318Langust
524 35Standardhälve
525 322Ujumine
526 174Hõbe
527 106Baikali järv
528 6170Kuuvarjutus
529 998Tšornobõl
530 532Johannes Aavik
531 65Klassitsism
532 274Transistor
533 187Kaelkirjak
534 10431995
535 29Peaaju
536 7Pindala
537 103Maksud
538 257Vihmamets
539 173Viirused
540 151Kalade loend
541 1191Bali
542 272Keenia
543 104Taimed
544 135Harry Potteri kõrvaltegelaste loend
545 227Põder
546 5526Ühekroonine münt (hõbedavärviline)
547 233Pärnu jõgi
548 34Konservatism
549 24XML
550 110Kondensaator
551 1267Evelin Ilves
552 194Inimvajaduste hierarhia
553 117Freddie Mercury
554 1167Eesti otsib superstaari
555 848211. detsember
556 5292007
557 194Vene tähestik
558 9Helsingi
559 335Astrid Lindgren
560 95036 strategeemi
561 1205Elevandiluurannik
562 384Elektrivoolu tugevus
563 903Apple Inc.
564 734Martin Müürsepp
565 44Madagaskar
566 70Suured häbememokad
567 246Nepal
568 1265Sahara
569 125Immanuel Kant
570 39Must meri
571 11789Max Planck
572 19Šokolaad
573 4661999
574 167Eesti rahvastik
575 118Elekter
576 247Henry VIII
577 45Julius Caesar
578 279Arseen
579 76Johan Laidoner
580 28Sigmund Freud
581 1017Blu-ray Disc
582 5461997
583 38Bait
584 847Videokaart
585 30Fääri saared
586 164Tallinna vanalinn
587 103Kanep
588 147Inflatsioon
589 205Tervis
590 423Roheneemesaared
591 1Muinasjutt
592 45Gustav Suits
593 18Õnne 13
594 159Riia
595 168Abhaasia
596 517Jaan Pehk
597 321Absint
598 10Neerud
599 292Vanakreeka mütoloogia
600 80Haridus
<< < 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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