The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in September 2023
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
501 17Snabel-a
502 68Josef Stalin
503 919Hermann Göring
504 566Solsystemet
505 133X Factor (Danmark)
506 33Thomas Delaney
507 149D-dag
508 183Københavns Metro
509 1383US Open (tennis)
510 130Wiki
511 405Ørkenens Sønner
512 21Marsvin (hval)
513 341Hells Angels
514 6Fascisme
515 194Mille Gori
516 122David Lee
517 234Frederik 8.
518 459Christian Grau
519 117Undskyld vi roder
520 17Japan
521 3455Charlotte Fich
522 202Brasilien
523 32Grundstof
524 26Wikimedia Commons
525 406Radikale Venstre
526 433Stockholmsyndrom
527 34Christian 7.
528 293Roland Møller
529 191DNA
530 27Jacob Haugaard
531 98Concorde
532 287Frederik Cilius
533 116Kreta
534 130Ungarn
535 7Kolding
536 177DR
537 61NATO's fonetiske alfabet
538 77Taiwan
539 63Peter Madsen (opfinder)
540 81Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
541 461Saudi-Arabien
542 205Klovn (tv-serie)
543 17Samleje
544 8486Vild med dans (sæson 1)
545 1365Intelligenskvotient
546 409Rasmus Paludan
547 186Danmarks største øer
548 5Menneske
549 6902Oktoberfest
550 2317Yussuf Poulsen
551 364Større end-tegn
552 9018Johanne Louise Schmidt
553 74Marmorkirken
554 8366Willem-Alexander af Nederlandene
555 889DBU Pokalen
556 311Jesper Buch
557 215Niels Brandt
558 1533Bille August
559 7Dannebrog
560 57Barcelona
561 28Mikkel Hansen
562 604Sara Maria Franch-Mærkedahl
563 101Auschwitz koncentrationslejr
564 226Nummerplade
565 89Dansk Wikipedia
566 399Bodil Jørgensen
567 766Lis Sørensen
568 67Masterchef Danmark
569 47Tine Gøtzsche
570 1565Martin Krasnik
571 15Irland
572 663Jellingstenene
573 1359Tupac Shakur
574 227Det danske stelnummersystem for cykler
575 264Indonesien
576 183Blekingegadebanden
577 39Jugoslavien
578 57Jennifer Aniston
579 28Marcel Lychau Hansen
580 173Østrig
581 338Helene Fischer
582 5510Jørn Hjorting
583 8372Blink-182
584 7104Robinson Ekspeditionen 2021
585 139Den Danske Frimurerorden
586 128Adam Sandler
587 10679Justitsministeriet
588 305Spaghetti carbonara
589 12542Geronimo
590 643Romerske kejsere
591 218Belgien
592 330Pi (tal)
593 109Folketingsvalget 2022
594 167Henrik 8. af England
595 4600Metanol
596 72344Camilla Kjems
597 58ABBA
598 2310André Rieu
599 127Lisa Marie Presley
600 437Pantheon
<< < 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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