The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in November 2018
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
601 37Frederik 7.
602 1005The Pirate Bay
603 286Michael J. Fox
604 2634Bz-bevægelsen
605 144Johann Friedrich Struensee
606 945Ørkenens Sønner
607 100Thailand
608 1095Meryl Streep
609 124Freuds personlighedsmodel
610 19Indonesien
611 66Julius Cæsar
612 99Diskurs
613 136Dubai
614 180Michel Foucault
615 105Jan Gintberg
616 47Belgien
617 362Vikings (tv-serie)
618 589Friedrich Nietzsche
619 147Salt (kemi)
620 5606Ronnie Coleman
621 319Satspuljen
622 48Ætanol
623 64Jørgen Skouboe
624 76Hinduisme
625 41Marcel Lychau Hansen
626 219Frederik 6.
627 66Prins Joachim
628 217Me Too
629 94Ludvig Holberg
630 611Sommertid
631 225Løve
632 487Saudi-Arabien
633 276Marie-Antoinette
634 821Drengene fra Angora
635 5289Lars Høgh
636 241Paradigme
637 392Brian Laudrup
638 23Disneys klassikere
639 2101Thomas Gravesen
640 2331USA's forfatning
641 136Preben Elkjær
642 216ASMR
643 1016Østkyst Hustlers
644 508William Shakespeare
645 1545Divya Das
646 2180Rosalinde Mynster
647 73Pest
648 92Michael Schumacher
649 7428Fantastiske skabninger 2: Grindelwalds forbrydelser
650 1783Sandi Toksvig
651 31Scientology
652 347Bradley Cooper
653 52Joule
654 5403Voergaard Slot
655 11Jennifer Aniston
656 1362Tintins oplevelser
657 626Morten Albæk
658 2845Movember
659 510Ciskønnet
660 166Kylian Mbappé
661 326Tommy Ahlers
662 5680Danmark under 1. verdenskrig
663 2333Theresa May
664 223Dødsstraf
665 143Arnold Schwarzenegger
666 211Odense
667 639Helle Virkner
668 6209Juletræ
669 95Red Dead Redemption
670 833Jordan
671 43Større end-tegn
672 104Gini-koefficient
673 58Nik & Jay
674 174Cubakrisen
675 299Mac Miller
676 292Koreakrigen
677 4Google
678 441Sanne Salomonsen
679 96Lene Beier
680 395Tidslinje for Danmarks historie
681 403Vulkan
682 652Rudi Hansen
683 307Superligaen
684 73Marokko
685 21Glukose
686 3Danmarks demografi
687 30Leonardo da Vinci
688 49Alternativet
689 4Eddikesyre
690 82Finanskrisen 2007-2009
691 193Kviksølv
692 155PH
693 13068Peter Duetoft
694 36921Cyber Monday
695 179Auschwitz koncentrationslejr
696 194Mexico
697 185Nobels fredspris
698 20Klub 27
699 231Socialistisk Folkeparti
700 109Karl Marx
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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