The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in November 2014
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
501 195Margrete 1.
502 309Barokken
503 31Tysklands genforening
504 425I Have a Dream
505 250Luxembourg
506 15Adenosintrifosfat
507 282Kernekraft
508 53Newton (enhed)
509 2Apple Inc.
510 115Dubai
511 274PEST-analyse
512 105Lean
513 115Socialkonstruktionisme
514 48Danmarks demografi
515 49Mol (enhed)
516 87Diskriminant
517 80Paradigme
518 56Græsk mytologi
519 59Løve
520 127Pluto (dværgplanet)
521 380Sinus (matematik)
522 28S-tog
523 77Den danske guldalder
524 72Internet Movie Database
525 115Jean Piaget
526 273Klassifikation
527 826Warszawapagten
528 74Trekant
529 682Peru
530 50Ukraine
531 109Finanskrisen 2007-2009
532 292Potentiel energi
533 11William Shakespeare
534 39Vikingetid
535 1331Stasi
536 27Tillægsord
537 198Wikipedia
538 117Muhammed
539 3947One World Trade Center
540 84YouTube
541 127Guldhornene
542 93Ammoniak
543 155Lübeck
544 380ABBA
545 83Narcissisme
546 180Anders Behring Breivik
547 615Odin
548 112Homoseksualitet
549 127Gasolin'
550 19Militær rang
551 3Hældningskoefficient
552 185Galileo Galilei
553 37Lyrik
554 31Cuba
555 268Aaron Antonovsky
556 52Winston Churchill
557 53Janteloven
558 76Aristoteles
559 5113Forvaring
560 47Borneo
561 59Metal
562 305Claudia Rex
563 519World of Warcraft
564 64Hektar
565 487Mads Holger
566 153Johannes V. Jensen
567 274Arnold Schwarzenegger
568 26A4-papir
569 82Keyboard (instrument)
570 92Navneord
571 86Harald Blåtand
572 149Konjunktur
573 118Nationalisme
574 2156Lars H.U.G.
575 389Verdens landes BNP
576 21Den israelsk-palæstinensiske konflikt
577 134Johann Friedrich Struensee
578 229Anatomi
579 137Retorik
580 89Modernisme
581 356Jesper Wung-Sung
582 42Feudalisme
583 1505Mogens Lykketoft
584 277Marilyn Monroe
585 146Frihedsgudinden
586 243Halveringstid
587 333Mitose
588 203Marshallplanen
589 198Luft
590 21Fedtsyre
591 146Muhammed-tegningerne
592 516Otto von Bismarck
593 65D-dag
594 97Real Madrid C.F.
595 279Kalmarunionen
596 172Øl
597 262Frederik 7.
598 11Ytringsfrihed
599 40Genre (litteratur)
600 238Insulin
<< < 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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