The most popular articles on Basque Wikipedia in June 2013
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
901 1703Pirritx, Porrotx eta MariMotots
902 232Donibane Lohizune
903 196Torax
904 4511991
905 60Metro
906 519Ska
907 2202Maiatzaren 31
908 750Bolivia
909 377Tutankamon
910 1403Apostolu
911 9321950eko hamarkada
912 323Osasuna futbol kluba
913 1219Azido erribonukleiko
914 46478Downpatrick
915 182Estatu
916 519Klasizismo
917 334Rihanna
918 573Kimika
919 189Serbia
920 484Higadura
921 322Proteina
922 312Aimar Olaizola
923 603Pedro Axular
924 3861975
925 111997
926 17585Belarritako
927 6347Orratz burudun
928 1173Cookie
929 202Edurne Pasaban
930 10Karmele Jaio
931 3434Ekainaren 9
932 2932Ekainaren 14
933 20Irak
934 342Dantza
935 158Rafael
936 539GNU Free Documentation License
937 572XXI. mendea
938 1671Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
939 21Denbora
940 53Montenegro
941 1780Santander
942 184Tolosa
943 182Zeta-har
944 22Kongoko Errepublika Demokratikoa
945 309Ahozko euskal literatura
946 269Liken
947 374Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel
948 785Hasiera (Biblia)
949 679Datu-base
950 44Haustura hidrauliko
951 7931952
952 350Makina sinple
953 1376Ekainaren 15
954 1504Pikondo
955 255Donostiako Danborrada
956 471Maiatzaren 9
957 1245Gaztelako Erresuma
958 74Blog
959 1393Enara
960 115Ereinotz
961 893Apple Inc.
962 34Botere legegile
963 345Petri (apostolua)
964 1243Euskal Herriko baleazaleak
965 667Arrautza
966 1106Cabo Verde
967 3505Umeki
968 1518XIII. mendea
969 429On Kixote Mantxakoa
9702013ko Brasilgo protestak
971 631Euskal Herriko ibaiak
972 828Greziako historia
973 174Arabiera
974 429Hondartza
975 20232012ko Udako Olinpiar Jokoak
976 246Edinburgo
977 414Tales
978 704Georgia (AEB)
979 138Jose Manuel Lujanbio
980 621996
981 570Merkurio (planeta)
982 218Monarkia
983 319Tutera
984 143Ozeano
985 96Martin Lutero
986 241Txirrindularitza
987 209Eustakio Mendizabal
988 501Ez Dok Amairu
989 115Heavy metal
990 116Salvador Dalí
991 356Izurri Beltza
992 449Eleberri
993 353Stockholm
994 1171977
995 996Rafael Nadal
996 4Astronomia
997 497Miguel de Cervantes
998 372Bizkaia zubia
999 178Neptuno
1000 77Balearrak
<< < 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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