The most popular articles on German Wikipedia in Feruary 2019
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
1 982Karl Lagerfeld
2 1799Rudi Assauer
3 12667Ferdinand Sauerbruch
4 6Nekrolog 2019
5 1Pornhub
6 9406Bruno Ganz
7 4Deutschland
8 2185Valentinstag
9 4XHamster
10 1103Fritz Honka
11 33Ruby O. Fee
12 105Oscarverleihung 2019
13 237Green Book – Eine besondere Freundschaft
14 128Heidi Klum
15 Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge
16 2Freddie Mercury
17 123Super Bowl LIII
18 10853Charité (Fernsehserie)
19 14Simone Thomalla
20 2620Steve Irwin
21 82Rami Malek
22 349Bauhaus
23 110Lady Gaga
24 6595Rosamunde Pilcher
25 122Bradley Cooper
26 113Tom Brady
27 3666Matti Nykänen
28 1438Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaften 2019
29 51Super Bowl
30 10Adolf Hitler
31 43Elisabeth II.
32 447Airbus A380
33 1291Ingwer
34 2Game of Thrones
350Capital Bra
36 6Vereinigte Staaten
37 4868Alita: Battle Angel
38 144A Star is Born (2018)
39 390Lindsey Vonn
40 212Emiliano Sala
41 31Sophia Thomalla
42 5Ted Bundy
43 45Asperger-Syndrom
44 220New England Patriots
45 3340Der Goldene Handschuh (Film)
46 36633Hans von Dohnanyi
47 1112Germania Fluggesellschaft
48 16892Ursula Karusseit
49 42Venezuela
50 66Greta Thunberg
51 37Andrej Mangold
52 5872Robert Koch
53 28Mero (Rapper)
54 6Österreich
55 81327Šaban Šaulić
56 5386La La Land (Film)
57 2Schweiz
58 153Sex Education
59 12Berlin
60 2Bohemian Rhapsody (Film)
61 17Donald Trump
62 172Bundespräsident (Deutschland)
63 1123Karneval, Fastnacht und Fasching
64 22011Weiberfastnacht
65 507Christoph Waltz
66 1Marcel Hirscher
67 1489Udo Lindenberg
68 7Queen (Band)
69 1067Suicide Squad (Film)
70 9872Florence Kasumba
71 81364Kristallschädel
72 4320The Expanse (Fernsehserie)
73 28Vikings (Fernsehserie)
74 17352Emil von Behring
75 20111Wolfgang Joop
76 10Russland
77 82387Mark Hollis (Musiker)
78 976Boeing 747
79 3Zweiter Weltkrieg
80 267El Chapo
81 90Tuberkulose
82 837Influenza
83 10Dieter Bohlen
84 5261Tim Mälzer
85 2Figuren aus dem Marvel-Universum
86 11Wikipedia
87 6407Der Untergang
88 67Xavier Naidoo
89 19Europa
90 1169Mercedes-Benz Stadium
91 90211Otto Lagerfeld
92Roma (2018)
93 17385Claudio Pizarro
94 5Liste der IPA-Zeichen
95 26520Iffland-Ring
96 Lisa Sheridan
97 69755Sojourner Truth
980Erster Weltkrieg
99Jacques de Bascher
100 49Pablo Escobar
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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