The most popular articles on German Wikipedia in May 2011
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
1 1799Osama bin Laden
2 62606Enterohämorrhagische Escherichia coli
3 649Eurovision Song Contest 2011
4 1Deutschland
5 3467Aserbaidschan
60How I Met Your Mother
7 1147Eurovision Song Contest
8 Roger Hargreaves
9 456Fluch der Karibik
10 28506Martha Graham
11 28211Gunter Sachs
12 2The Big Bang Theory
13 6270United States Navy SEALs
14 1Two and a Half Men
15 53817Dominique Strauss-Kahn
16 7Hamburg
17 5Vereinigte Staaten
18 6Berlin
19 138Muttertag
20 839Fast & Furious Five
21 12Adolf Hitler
22 4Facebook
23 5Deutschland sucht den Superstar
24 16Europäische Union
25 381Lena Meyer-Landrut
26 95Johnny Depp
27 19The Fast and the Furious
28 27Catherine, Princess of Wales
29 88889Emil Berliner
30 11Scrubs – Die Anfänger
31 5Wikipedia
32 939Eishockey-Weltmeisterschaft der Herren 2011
33 8Zweiter Weltkrieg
34 2Schweiz
35 96800Pachisi
36 10722Pirates of the Caribbean – Fremde Gezeiten
37 5Wiki
38 1Österreich
39 2Vagina
40 2661Al-Qaida
41 11Grey’s Anatomy
42 368Eisheilige
43 8Sex
44 22Erster Weltkrieg
45 71Europa
46 56Borussia Dortmund
47 6New York City
48 1UEFA Champions League
49 127Vin Diesel
50 17Indien
51 7Masturbation
52 5327Blue (Band)
53 17Frankreich
54 468Scream 4
55 31Volksrepublik China
56 249Arnold Schwarzenegger
57 15831Alleinstehender
58 17Australien
59 3Android (Betriebssystem)
60 51Spanien
61 6105Newtonsche Gesetze
62 19868Ratko Mladić
63 14YouPorn
64 314Erster Mai
65 13Geschlechtsverkehr
66 38Russland
67 8Papierformat
68 16Italien
69 1503Bob Dylan
70 13Türkei
71 66Elisabeth II.
72 66Thor
73 46Vampire Diaries
74 19Penis
75 62Lady Gaga
76 33Dwayne Johnson
77 75William, Prince of Wales
78 23Kreis
79 48151Jedward
80 233The Kelly Family
81 12Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
82 Esparsetten
83 135Israel
84 64Harry Potter
85 Pietro Lombardi (Sänger)
86 15London
87 30Vulva
88 21074Randy Savage
89 17Kanada
90 18FC Barcelona
91 35Liste von Pornodarstellerinnen
92 16Vereinigtes Königreich
93 6Neil Patrick Harris
94 9Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung
95 26Liste von Abkürzungen (Netzjargon)
96 Wouter Weylandt
97 17FC Bayern München
98 4857Carl Benz
99 48Transmission Control Protocol
100 1991Gluten
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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