Books popularity ranking in Indonesian Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

Popular articles in all the time (901-1000)

# Title Popularity
901Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth
903Tikus dan Manusia
904Bambi, A Life in the Woods
905The Murders in the Rue Morgue
906Kunstformen der Natur
908Empress Orchid
90924 Jam Bersama Gaspar (novel)
910Rou Pu Tuan
911Madah Kelana
912Sembilan Pria Tak Dikenal
913Hua Pi
914Lima Sekawan Beraksi Kembali
915Angsa yang Mengeluarkan Telur Emas
916Ibu, Doa yang Hilang
917Nathan Sang Bijak
918Anak-Anak New Forest
919Jendela Janggal
920Système de la Nature
921Lembah Ketakutan
922Hermokrates (dialog)
923Doa Azarya dan Lagu Pujian Ketiga Pemuda
924Naskah Alfonso
925The Wave
926Pedang dan Kitab Suci
92712 Rules for Life
928God Is Not Great
929Let the Right One In
930Your Name (novel)
931Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
932A Dance with Dragons
933Generasi 90an
935The Story of Civilization
936Mazmur Jenewa
938Cheaper by the Dozen
939Teks Piramida
940Jikji Simche Yojeol
941Goodbye, Mr. Chips
942Metafisika (Aristoteles)
943Gelondongan Gila
944The Girl Who Cried Monster
946Gembala Hermas
947Lords of Chaos
948Divino afflante Spiritu
949Moonraker (novel)
950The Losers (Vertigo)
951Tintin di Thailand
952Yotsuya Kaidan
953The Dead (cerita pendek)
954Elevator Eksentrik
955Politics Among Nations
956Little Lord Fauntleroy
957Sang Penyihir dari Portobello
958World Book Encyclopedia
959Kitab Dinasti Tang Baru
960Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap (novel)
961I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
962Si Sambo Hitam
963Satu Hari Bersamamu
964De materia medica
965The Goldfinch (novel)
966Asterix dan Cleopatra
967Chanson de Roland
969Jalan Panjang Menuju Kebebasan
971Dua Puluh Empat Sejarah
972A Memory of Solferino
973Misteri Karibia
974Life, the Universe and Everything
975Alkitab bahasa Gotik
976Piano Lessons Can Be Murder
977Kitab Makabe yang Ketiga
978Mourning Becomes Electra
979Doa Manasye
980Kristus Pemenang
981Malajoe Batawi
982The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse
983Empat Besar (novel)
984Kami, Perempoean
985Imperialisme, Tahap Tertinggi Kapitalisme
986Programming Perl
987Salah Asuhan
988The End (novel)
989The Man in the High Castle
990Novo Millennio Ineunte
991The Extended Phenotype
992Imagined Communities
993Tentang Yahudi dan Kebohongan-kebohongan Mereka
994Everything Tastes Better with Bacon
997Mu'jam al-Buldan
998From Russia, with Love (novel)
999Eine Frau in Berlin
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