AI ranking in Uzbek Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains articles of English Wikipedia that have been edited by the largest number of authors. In this case, only registered Wikipedia authors were taken into account, without bots.

# Title Authors
9001 866
9002 867
9003 869
9004 873
9005 875
9006 879
9007 883
9008 887
9009 894
9010 895
9011 896
9012 925
9013 932
9014 947
9015 950
9016 951
9017 953
9018 958
9019 967
9020 968
9021 969
9022 975
9023 991
9024 994
9025 1248
9026 1264
9027 1270
9028 1273
9029 1274
9030 1275
9031 1283
9032 1284
9033 1287
9034 1289
9035 1301
9036 1305
9037 1308
9038 1311
9039 1316
9040 1319
9041 1321
9042 1326
9043 1328
9044 1331
9045 1332
9046 1333
9047 1334
9048 1340
9049 1342
9050 1345
9051 1347
9052 1348
9053 1349
9054 1353
9055 1357
9056 1359
9057 1364
9058 1369
9059 1371
9060 1374
9061 1375
9062 1378
9063 1379
9064 1381
9065 1382
9066 1389
9067 1390
9068 1391
9069 1392
9070 1393
9071 1394
9072 1398
9073 1401
9074 1402
9075 1404
9076 1407
9077 1409
9078 1411
9079 1414
9080 1415
9081 1416
9082 1417
9083 1419
9084 1422
9085 1423
9086 1427
9087 1428
9088 1443
9089 1449
9090 1455
9091 1456
9092 1457
9093 1458
9094 1478
9095 1505
9096 1507
9097 1508
9098 1509
9099 1511
9100 1512