AI ranking in Uzbek Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains articles of English Wikipedia that have been edited by the largest number of authors. In this case, only registered Wikipedia authors were taken into account, without bots.

# Title Authors
6601 287
6602 289
6603 292
6604 293
6605 297
6606 298
6607 299
6608 303
6609 304
6610 305
6611 308
6612 309
6613 314
6614 315
6615 316
6616 318
6617 319
6618 320
6619 321
6620 322
6621 327
6622 331
6623 332
6624 333
6625 338
6626 339
6627 340
6628 343
6629 344
6630 345
6631 347
6632 350
6633 354
6634 355
6635 357
6636 358
6637 359
6638 362
6639 364
6640 365
6641 366
6642 367
6643 368
6644 369
6645 370
6646 374
6647 375
6648 376
6649 377
6650 379
6651 380
6652 384
6653 389
6654 390
6655 394
6656 399
6657 400
6658 410
6659 411
6660 418
6661 455
6662 456
6663 472
6664 502
6665 503
6666 505
6667 510
6668 515
6669 518
6670 531
6671 533
6672 540
6673 542
6674 544
6675 551
6676 556
6677 557
6678 558
6679 561
6680 565
6681 568
6682 573
6683 574
6684 576
6685 579
6686 580
6687 588
6688 590
6689 592
6690 597
6691 599
6692 608
6693 609
6694 610
6695 616
6696 618
6697 621
6698 622
6699 625
6700 633