AI ranking in Uzbek Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains articles of English Wikipedia that have been edited by the largest number of authors. In this case, only registered Wikipedia authors were taken into account, without bots.

# Title Authors
4901 Fast X
4902 Jara
4903 CAFA Millatlar Kubogi 2023
4904 Radioaktiv parchalanish
4905 Prezident maktabi (Andijon)
4906 Barqaror energiya
4907 Sergelidagi portlash
4908 Hajm
4909 Daraja
4910 E
4911 Gateway
4912 Google Scholar
4913 Smartfon
4914 Chat
4915 Joomla!
4916 Ahmad Yugnakiy
4917 Anas ibn Molik
4918 Muhyi
4919 MySQL
4920 Matyoqub Qoʻshjonov
4921 Omon Muxtor
4922 Umarali Normatov
4923 Shukur Xolmirzayev
4924 Chorboq suv ombori
4925 Muhammad Shoh
4926 Kvartet (guruh)
4927 Qadimgi Baqtriya
4928 Abdulmalik II (Somoniy)
4929 Bremen (Land)
4930 Saksoniya
4931 Apache Server
4932 Bibliya
4933 Basra
4934 S (lotin)
4935 Z (lotin)
4936 FM-2030
4937 Magnum opus
4938 HIM
4939 Pessimizm
4940 Jarosław Kaczyński
4941 Mashinasozlar (metro bekati)
4942 27-may
4943 30-may
4944 22
4945 23
4946 24
4947 25
4948 31
4949 33
4950 34
4951 35
4952 36
4953 38
4954 40
4955 44
4956 53
4957 58
4958 59
4959 64
4960 70
4961 72
4962 76
4963 80
4964 82
4965 84
4966 85
4967 86
4968 87
4969 88
4970 89
4971 90
4972 91
4973 92
4974 94
4975 95
4976 96
4977 97
4978 105
4979 106
4980 108
4981 109
4982 110
4983 111
4984 112
4985 115
4986 116
4987 118
4988 122
4989 123
4990 124
4991 125
4992 127
4993 137
4994 138
4995 140
4996 144
4997 145
4998 147
4999 149
5000 156