Citation index in Min Nan Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Min Nan Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
7601 Kang-chhoan-khu
7602 Kang-siâⁿ Ha-nî-cho̍k Î-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7603 Khai-oán-chhī
7604 Khiok-chēng-chhī
7605 Khiu-pak-koān
7606 Kháu-ka-koān
7607 Kim-pêng Biâu-cho̍k Iâu-cho̍k Tāi-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7608 Kiàm-chhoan-koān
7609 Kiàn-súi-koān
7610 Koan-tō͘-khu
7611 Kéng-hông-chhī
7612 Kéng-kok Tāi-cho̍k Î-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7613 Kéng-má Tāi-cho̍k Va-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7614 Kéng-tong Î-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7615 Kî-lîn-khu
7616 Kò-kū-chhī
7617 Kòng-san To̍k-liông-cho̍k Nō͘-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7618 Kóng-lâm-koān
7619 Kó͘-siâⁿ-khu
7620 Lio̍k-chhun-koān
7621 Lio̍k-liông-koān
7622 Liông-hô-koān
7623 Liông-iông-khu
7624 Liông-lêng-koān
7625 Lo̍k-hong-koān
7626 Lo̍k-khǹg Î-cho̍k Biâu-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7627 Lâm-hoâ-koān
7628 Lâm-kàn Î-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7629 Lân-chhong Lá-hō͘-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7630 Lân-phêng Pe̍k-cho̍k Pumi-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7631 Lêng-jī Ha-nî-cho̍k Î-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7632 Lêng-lōng Î-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7633 Lîm-chhong-chhī
7634 Lîm-siông-khu
7635 Lóng-chhoan-koān
7636 Ló͘-tiān-koān
7637 Lô-pêng-koān
7638 Lô͘-se-koān
7639 Lô͘-súi-chhī
7640 Lē-kang-chhī
7641 Má-koan-koān
7642 Má-liông-koān
7643 Mâ-la̍t-pho-koān
7644 Mí-le̍k-chhī
7645 Mí-tō͘-koān
7646 Ngó͘-hoâ-khu
7647 Ngô͘-san Î-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7648 Phó͘-jī-chhī
7649 Pin-chhoan-koān
7650 Poân-liông-khu
7651 Pîn-pian Biâu-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7652 Pó-san-chhī
7653 Sai-san-khu
7654 Se-bêng Va-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7655 Se-siang-pán-la̍p Tāi-cho̍k Chū-tī-chiu
7656 Se-tiû-koān
7657 Shangri-La Chhī
7658 Si-tiān-koān
7659 Siang-kang Lá-hō͘-cho̍k Va-cho̍k Pò͘-láng-cho̍k Tāi-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7660 Siang-pek-koān
7661 Sin-pêng Î-cho̍k Tāi-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7662 Siong-bêng-koān
7663 Siông-hûn-koān
7664 Soan-ui-chhī
7665 Su-chong-koān
7666 Su-mâu-khu
7667 Súi-hù-koān
7668 Sūi-lē-chhī
7669 Tang-chhoan-khu
7670 Tek-hông Tāi-cho̍k Kéng-pho-cho̍k Chū-tī-chiu
7671 Te̍k-khèng Chōng-cho̍k Chū-tī-chiu
7672 Thong-hái-koān
7673 Thêng-chhiong-chhī
7674 Thêng-kòng-khu
7675 Tiam-ek-khu
7676 Têng-kang-koān
7677 Tìn-goân Î-cho̍k Ha-nî-cho̍k Lá-hō͘-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7678 Tìn-hiông-koān
7679 Tìn-khong-koān
7680 Tāi-iâu-koān
7681 Tāi-lí Pe̍k-cho̍k Chū-tī-chiu
7682 Ui-sìn-koān
7683 Âng-hô-koān
7684 Âng-thah-khu
7685 Éng-jîn-koān
7686 Éng-pêng-koān
7687 Éng-siān-koān
7688 Éng-sèng-koān
7689 Éng-tek-koān
7690 Êng-kang-koān
7691 Î-liông-koān
7692 Ûi-se La̍t-chhek-cho̍k Chū-tī-koān
7693 A-siâⁿ-khu
7694 An-ta̍t-chhī
7695 Bi̍t-san-chhī
7696 Bo̍k-lân-koān
7697 Bo̍k-lêng-chhī
7698 Bêng-súi-koān
7699 Bí-khe-khu
7700 Bōng-ke-koān